

2020, November

The Edit
Bunneys Bikes

Colour Blocking

The quickest way to get noticed is to colour clash. This is the art of mixing together unexpected shades of block colour. There was a saying “red and green should never be seen”, but those days are gone. My personal favourite is hot pink and orange. Colour-blocking is taking colours that are opposites on the […]
The Edit
Bunneys Bikes

The Crown

I was a huge fan of Princess Diana. I fell in love with her and watched her evolve from a very young self-conscious Sloane into a style icon. She was on the cover of Hello every week and I bought it religiously. With the new series of The Crown – I hope they will be […]
The Edit
Bunneys Bikes

The Treasured Gem

Pearls are officially back and trendier than ever! Personally I don’t think pearls are ever out of fashion, but then I’m biased. We’re talking classic pearls, baroque pearls and everything in-between. Mix and match them, adding interest and texture, and layer them up like Chanel – the more the merrier. Although some might think of […]