FoASW Annual General Meeting 2022
About 20 people attended the fifth AGM of the Friends of All Saints Waterden on 22 November 2022 in the Memorial Pavilion, South Creake. It was the first in-person AGM since the outbreak of the Covid pandemic.
The meeting approved the minutes of the previous AGM and the accounts. It also agreed unanimously to keep the existing officers (Michael Prest, Chairman; Adam Bunkle, Treasurer; and Lucy Hodge, Secretary) and committee members (Kit Pike and Bernard Chauly) in post.
Members heard that the Parish has permission to go ahead with stabilising the wall painting discovered during the restoration and has a quote from a conservator. FoASW offered to help fund work on the painting. It was also reported that the box pews were either 17th or 18th century and required French polishing. The meeting agreed that stabilising the wall painting was the priority.
Michael Prest gave a presentation and talk on The Anglo-Saxons and Waterden, which was followed by a discussion.